The gift of digital packaging
By Matthias Krautgasser, Product Manager, CorrugatedSegment, Koenig & Bauer Durst
Cheers! Here’s to our next SPC 130 Open House on October 4-5 at theDurst Innovation Center East in Lienz, Austria, which follows on fromour successful face-to-face event in June.
This first inspirational SPC 30 Open House attracted over 40 delegates from across Europe. It enabled us to demonstrate the capabilities forcorrugated packaging produced on our Koenig & Bauer Delta SPC 130single pass press.
It began with a simple idea. Let’s provide samples of whisky and gin for our guests that would be neatly put inside special packaging.Something a little unusual, something that would create real value and interest.
The feedback from our guests was extremely positive. And it was all achieved thanks to working closely with award-winning local company, Kuenz Natural Distillery, which has been supplying us with lots of their products over the years.
We might even have the chance to share share a glass of gin or whisky one day – and, who knows, perhaps that could be at our next Open House on 4-5 October.
The special event starts with a welcome dinner on the 4th and then a full day of panel discussions and live demonstrations for our invited guests.