Legal Notice
Name and Address:
Koenig & Bauer Durst GmbH
Friedrich-Koenig-Straße 4
97080 Würzburg
Koenig & Bauer Durst GmbH is a legally independent entity within the Koenig & Bauer Group, and a joint venture with Durst Phototechnik AG. Koenig & Bauer Durst GmbH is legally represented by the managing director: Daniel Velema
Contact details:
telephone: +49 931 909 – 6709
telefax: +49 931 909 – 4101
Trade register:
Local court Würzburg, Register court
Registration number:
HRB 14574
VAT identification number
under section 27a UStG:
DE 324887194
Responsible for content
under section 55 (2) of Germany’s Interstate Broadcasting Agreement:
Daniel Velema
Managing Director
Koenig & Bauer Durst GmbH
Friedrich-Koenig-Straße 4
97080 Würzburg